Oh my word! What a beautiful pochade box! Your craftsmanship is exceptional - engineered with such great precision. Of course I already knew this to be true, but I feel very privileged to own such an heirloom.
I have already set up my Bitterroot Lite with my new tripod. they work great together and I have no worries of the mount slipping, You may be interested to know that while researching your box, I decided to explore oils - water mixable oils. One medium. I have never tried but now I am intrigued and I have the perfect box to help me toward success! By the way, the engraving is perfect!
Once again, thank you so very much! I feel like my investment in your work is also an investment in my future endeavors. Believe me when I say that your work is nor more than just a craft - it is a gift!
Val Miller